
Ballot Measures

Our List of Current Ballot Measures

Tap on the appropriate link from the list below, please.  Complete the form and you will receive further instructions.  There is no charge to use our service.  You may make a donation, however.

  1. Vote No on California Proposition 1 (The Abortion Amendment) November 8, 2022
  2. + Add New

How to Add a New Ballot Measure

If you do not find the ballot measure for which you are seeking, we can add it for you.

It is FREE to register to use Validate My Votes!

This page provides information, education, and instruction for Organizations that want to illuminate a specific ballot measure.

If you represent an organization championing a ballot measure:

  • a proposition
  • an initiative
  • a referendum
  • or other measure

We've got a program just for you as well!

Validate Our Votes exists as a third party vehicle to provide data that can show that votes have been manipulated by simply comparing the tally of votes counted.

Notes for Candidates and their Webmasters or Website Developers

After you register your organization to use Validate My Votes (VMV),
you will receive code snippets that you may use on your websites.

How to Embed your VMV Widget into your website

You will be able to use your CUSTOM CODE SNIPPETS  - below is an example.  You will be issued your unique, encrypted code snippet to embed on your website anywhere you want.

<div id="search_result_div" class="[your encrypted code snippet goes here]"></div> <div id="voting_popup_div"></div> <script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src=""></script>

How to Embed your VOV URL onto any image on your website

You can use the following URL - you will be issued your unique, encrypted code string that will follow after the "key" element.

<a href="[your encrypted key goes here"><img src="your image path"></a>

Graphic Assets We Provide

You may use any or all of the graphics below on your website if you are a candidate using Validate My Votes.












Please note that you are welcome to use whatever graphics you own to use to link to your VOV code snippet or URL.


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